“Not all those who wander are lost.”




Wroclaw to Auschwitz – an opportunity to visit one of the most crucial places in the history of the mankind.

Auschwitz is a place that almost nobody on the globe associates with anything positive. It is implied by the fact that it has seen probably the most difficult events in the history of mankind, as more than one million of citizens of different countries spent last day of their lives there. Despite the fact that every visit in this kind place is hard, as it provides only negative associations, we ought to keep in mind that it is one of the best way to show our respect to numerous people, who finished their lives between 1939 and 1943 here.

A big immigration problem and its inpact on the wolrld’s tourism- possibilities and advices.

Tourism is one of the most significant parts of the Greek financial situation. Every year millions of visitors like to see magnificient ancient monuments. What is the situation in Greece now?

Travelling all over the planete as something that has never been as simple as at present. Tourism as a great hobby that is likely to develop ourselves in different ways

Rising number of people are known to be interested in travelling. It is indicated by the fact that, first and foremost, thanks to visiting new countries we may develop our horizons. Owing to comparing the realities we might sometimes be bored with and such one that is seen in other country, we might quickly discover something new about place we live in.

What makes more and more people consider tourism as something that is worth taking advantage of at present?

Our planete is generally thought among diverse people to be a good-looking place. It is proved by the fact that, first and foremost, there is great range of miscellaneous places as well as monuments that are worth visiting. Furthermore, the Earth and various trends have developed in such direction that at present we are possible to decide from different opportunities in terms of offering ourselves a possibility to travel.

How to spend a great time in a foreign country?

Travelling is considered to be one of the most common interests of people. There are a plethora of reasons why we switch the place we exist in. First of all, we are likely to get to know new people. New people are connected with new chances and contacts that may be influential in normal life as well as in for instance our job. Besides, we can get to know new cultures, which can be a quite developing experience. It is implied by the fact that we can compare our attitude towards miscellaneous areas with this represented by people, who live in other country.

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